5 Questions to Help Find a University or College Program You’ll Love
Finding the right program can be hard - asking yourself a few simple questions could help you discover the perfect program for you.
December 5, 2022
Starting university or college abroad is extremely exciting. International students have tons of choices when it comes to selecting their program. One of the benefits of studying abroad is having access to thousands of university and college programs all over the world.
When it comes to picking university programs, the choice is yours. There are many amazing program options for you to study in Canada. But sorting through the hundreds of programs to choose the one that’s right for you can be intimidating: that’s why we’ve compiled the 5 questions you should ask yourself to help discover programs you’d actually enjoy.
Once you have answered all these questions, book a call with your Halp coach, who will help you narrow down your program choices and create your university list.
5 - Do you enjoy taking leadership positions in teams?
Leadership involves planning, motivating people, and taking responsibility for failures that occur within your group. If you have enjoyed the times you’ve taken leadership positions in school clubs, perhaps business is the program for you.
Business degrees often involve many group projects. Group projects prepare you for a career in business, where working with other people is a large part of the job. Even if you don’t necessarily love leading or working in teams, there are plenty of other opportunities in business:
Accounting is where you keep your company organized financially and help them make decisions.
Marketing or sales, where you are the brains behind selling your company’s products or services.
HR or background operations, where you keep the business engine running smoothly.
The interesting part about business school is once you graduate, you can apply your skills to almost any industry in the world.
4 - Are you fascinated by the human body?
If you find yourself curious about how the human body operates, you may like kinesiology or health sciences. If you’re not necessarily interested in the entire body but one specific area, such as the brain, there are programs like neuroscience or cognitive sciences.
There are so many different science programs available in Canada, you can study a topic as specific or as general as you’d like. Your Halp coach can provide you with a complete list of science programs available in Canada and also you select the one that is the best for you!
3 - Do you often wonder why people act certain ways?
If you’re fascinated by what motivates people to act in different ways, you may like psychology, sociology, or even social work.
Psychology and sociology focus on studying human behaviour and tendencies while social work focuses on serving and improving communities and individuals.
These programs make up an area of study called social sciences. If you are not interested in the physical sciences, you may like anthropology or cultural sociology, which focuses on observing human action and identifying trends from history.
2 - Do you enjoy problem-solving with analytics?
You should consider a university or college program in engineering or math. Whether it be working with computers as a software engineer, creating and studying robots as a mechatronics engineer, or designing buildings as an architectural engineer, there are many options available.
There are many different types of engineering, so be sure to read about the various programs each university offers. Your Halp coach can help identify specific engineering programs that may be right for you.
1 - Are you a creative thinker or artist?
There are all sorts of different programs that exist if you have an artistic side:
Theatre arts if you enjoy performing.
Visual arts if you enjoy creating.
Musical arts if you sing or play an instrument.
Outside of the traditional “arts,” you can even study journalism or literature if you enjoy writing and story-telling. Canadian universities offer many great programs for artists, so be sure to check out their websites to learn more.
While there’s a lot more that goes into choosing a university program than a few simple questions, identifying your answers to the questions in this article could help you narrow down from hundreds of options to maybe 10 or 20. Book a phone call with your Halp coach or send them a message on WhatsApp to continue with the program selection process.